As we tentatively begin 2025 I am reading, thinking and watching everything I can find on the role of objects in our lives. Material culture as been a preoccupation of mine since I undertook research into the relationship between books as objects and nostalgia during my studies a few years ago.
Prior to that the desire to find a perfect cup or mug has been with me for most of my adult life, leading to a fascination with the need to do so, with my understanding that it is not about one single cup but one for a certain beverage, at a certain time, or in a certain place or even to match a certain mood. I have thankfully discovered that this is not something I alone have strong thoughts about and is perhaps more common that one might at first assume.
I have so many questions about this and as with many aspects of my life I am using to inform a new body of art work which will be my focus over the coming months.
I wonder where this journey will take me.
Happy New Year.