100 Days of Grey

100 Days of Grey

In November 2023 I went for a week to Dumfries and Galloway in the south west of Scotland.  I wanted to see if it was an area I might like to move to and with my partner we walked and drove through many of its amazing landscapes.

I was captivated by the light and how the skies changed throughout the days. Even grey days were beautiful.  

I have always said I don’t mind any weather expect those grey British days where it feels like there is no weather, just dull grey sky and light. But looking back through my sketches and photos of foggy morning and grey days through this trip and past times when I have recorded strikingly moody skies, I decided it was time to “make friends with grey”.  

We had already decided we wanted to return to Dumfries and Galloway as soon as possible and I chose to use the time as a dedicated, self-funded residency. I set intentions and went with the intention of sketching and photographing my way through the trip. It did not disappoint.

Discovering it coincided with the start of the Instagram based 100 Day Project I chose to work through 100 Days of Grey which you can see documented on my account @janemillum_art and here on my blog.

The following are a sample of photos from that residency.




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